Monday, March 18, 2019

Making Memories...

Grandpa, Grandson, Tomatoes...
We often catch ourselves thinking of someone in our past and it may include a memorable experience we had with that person, which is as vivid today as it was then. I think back about 70 years ago, when I was probably age 9, my Grandfather Gammage came out the back door of our house into our backyard with 2 salt shakers and invited me to go with him into our property, way back behind the garage, where he had planted a vegetable garden. He asked me if I wanted to go with him to sample some of his tomatoes.

I was so excited to go with Grandpa, just the two of us, back into his private garden to check out his prized tomatoes! What a special treat?! This was so special to me, I will never forget that time I spent with Grandpa! And, you know just how good those tomatoes tasted way back then, 70 or so years ago! If someone was to ask me today about my Grandpa Gammage, this memory would almost certainly come into my mind right away. Why is that? Well, even though Grandpa didn't realize it, he was creating an unforgettable memory for his young Grandson! The memory lives on in 2019! Grandpa passed away with Cancer at the age of 63 in 1954 a man who was very dear to me.

There is a lesson learned here for me, even though the picture above is not of my grandpa and me,  I am again reminded of the importance of spending quality time with all others, family, friends and readers of this BLOG.  God's Blessings for Grandpa and to all of you!

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