Monday, February 18, 2019

Whatever happened to...?

During today's devotion time I read about a man, who years ago survived a 38 foot fall from a bridge and while hospitalized, the wife of the other patient in his room told him 'My husband told me what happened. We believe God spared your life because he wants to use you. We have been praying for you'. He never imagined that God wanted to be involved in his life. He said 'her words pointed me to a savior I had heard of, but didn't know - and marked the beginning of my coming to Christ.'

This devotion story stirred up a great many thoughts beginning with myself and immediately went to thoughts about so many friends and acquaintances since before beginning elementary school and continuing throughout my life to the present time. So many first kiss, by a girl named Violet...we were probably about 6 years old at the time. My friend and classmate, Billy, who died at about age 9 of a terminal illness...we didn't know his family. John, whose family lived across the street. His dad bought him a Wizard motorbike and later a Cushman Eagle. He was an only boy, who pretty much got anything he wanted from his parents. Steve, a brain in school, … Judy, a cheerleader in school, … Dennis my best friend in elementary school. The list goes on and on. Each one of us could quickly write a list of names of people, who have come and gone over the years and in so doing, became one or more memories in our life. When you think about it, there was high school, college, marriage, jobs/careers, church, family, friends, etc.

Each of us today, is in the process of answering the "whatever happened to...?" question for others who will follow us. The answer to this question, while the details could be very lengthy, the hoped-for answer will be 'He/She is with our Lord in Heaven looking down upon us until we too are called home.

In the meantime, God has spared your life because He wants to use you. If you are reading this BLOG today, and love the Lord, God may want to use your strengths and abilities to touch the lives of others until called home.

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