Wednesday, June 14, 2017

In a perfect world...

Ironically, this morning during my devotions, I caught myself using the expression "In a perfect world..." Prior to retirement, without realizing it, I would often preface my comments with "In a perfect world...". Later, at my retirement party, one of my associates wished me well with " your 'perfect world' enjoy your retirement." It confirmed for me that people will most often think of you and remember you by your actions and the things you say. In retrospect, I think I was saying that our actions actually fall short of what would be 'ideal'. The world in which we live today is not "perfect" and in fact is far from it! Certainly not ideal.

Today's Proverb comes from Proverbs 17:6, which reads 'Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.'

In my notes, I commented that I think this is true in a 'perfect world', where the parents and the children all love the Lord and are obedient to His leading, ongoing. I thought this Proverb assumed 'ideal' behavior and mutual respect by all. Quoting my good friend and Pastor, Mick Veach, 'it's all about relationship' and I totally agree with him! I quickly added that I would seek God's help to always be a blessing to my family and others, who cross my path, knowing that I would need God's guiding to give me discernment and the ability/desire to bless others, basically to "walk the talk."

So let's all agree to get plugged back in today, whether we are children, parents, or grandparents to seek God's help in making this Proverb become reality today, and ongoing! 

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