Friday, February 23, 2018

God is good!

Dear Friends - Ken and Anna
Recently, Kathie and I returned home from Cadillac, Michigan, where we attended the funeral of a  very dear friend. During that time and since, days have been filled with much emotion, thought, and prayer. However, the bottom line message is "God is good!"

I am continuing to pray for my friend Ken, whose wife is now with our Lord in Heaven. I still cannot imagine Ken's life without dear Anna, as he continues making difficult adjustments. In recent devotions, the scriptures in include Psalms 119:63 'I am a friend to all who fear you, to all who follow your precepts.' And, even at such a time as this, it occurs to me that as a Christian, God blesses me and my friends on-going as we reach out in obedience to His leading.

Each day, I never cease to be amazed at the ways God blesses His children as we seek to be obedient to His leading! At the same time that we try to reach out to all others, we are part of the Body of believers, who seek God's guidance going forward and who support one-another in our faith.

During Anna's funeral, Kathie and I cried in Ken's arms, a moment of uncontrollable, loving support of this dear man, who loves God and so many others around him, his family and friends! Some 20 years earlier, he and Anna passed us in his truck going in the opposite direction south of Cadillac and noticed us on the side of the road with a disabled van and camper. They turned their truck around, and came to see what they could do to help us in our time of need. We were total strangers, yet they invited us to have the tow truck bring our camper to their farm before towing the van to Cadillac for needed repairs to our serpentine belt tensioner, which had broken off of the engine block. Ken even called his son, who was a mechanic, and who arranged the necessary repair the next morning, so we could return home in  southern Michigan!

Over the years, I have been humbled by the loving example Ken and Anna have made in reaching out in help toward others. My goal is to try to be loving toward others just like they have done ongoing. To quote my former pastor, 'It's all about relationship...' If we are obedient, in our relationship with God, He will guide our steps in our relationships with all others...Thank you God for Ken and Anna...God is good!

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