Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Infiniteness of God...What is man...?

Thinking over my past 77 years and the fact that Jesus lived thousands of years before I was born, I am in awe to think that Jesus died for me as well as for all mankind...those who lived before Jesus and those who are born after me! The infiniteness of God is mind-boggling! It's so incredible that to BLOG about it is to almost sound like rambling. Dictionaries define infiniteness as 'Having no boundaries or limits; impossible to measure or calculate...' etc. And in a world, where everything needs to make sense to us, we often are at a loss to explain or understand things. I recently BLOGGED about our universe and the fact that its size is infinite and unfathomable! Scientists tell us that the earth is but a speck in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is but one of two trillion galaxies!

In that same BLOG, I commented upon the fact that each created person has a distinct DNA structure, which makes him unique...and that what we are is part of all our ancestral DNA which came before us!

All of God's creation causes the same kind of amazement to me as trying to understand how God can be everywhere, all of the time, and hear all of the prayers, of all His children, all of the time... in 'real-time'! God is amazing!...and beyond understanding! All of God's creation, from it's sub-atomic minuteness and complexity to it's Universal infiniteness is amazing! ...and beyond understanding!

We read in Psalm 8:4 'What is man, that you are mindful of him?...'  This question is as much a mystery today as it was when the Psalmist wrote it way back then! C.S. Lewis summed it up well, when he said 'God has infinite attention to spare for each one of us. You are as much alone with Him as if you were the only being He had ever created'

Today, we go to God in prayer and we sense His presence with His Holy Spirit. Let us all look forward to the day when we will be together with Him and praising Him in eternity! God is amazing!...and beyond understanding!

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