Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Good News...and Bad News!

Image result for three cords not easily brokenToday's devotions bring cause for happiness for some (Good News) and also great unrest and unhappiness for others (Bad News)! Nicky Gumbel cited his friends Nicky and Sila Lee, who use an analogy of 3 cords making a strong marriage in THE MARRIAGE COURSE, which they teach.

 Using this analogy of 3 cords is very powerful and encouraging, when the two "become one" and the third cord represents God strengthening our marriages! When we become one with God at the center of our lives, nothing can be better!

The flip side of this is illustrated in Mark 6, where Herod Antipas, had an adulterous relationship with his brother's wife Herodious, who later schemed with her daughter to have Herod order the beheading of John the Baptist! HOW SICK! In today's vernacular, this family had issues...can you say fractured?...or disfunctional? 

You probably remember the story where the daughter of Herodias came in and danced for Herod and he promised her with an oath to give her anything she wanted...and at her mother's suggestion, she asked for the head of John the Baptist.

Pippa Gumbel said it well, when she said Herod should have been willing to be humiliated in front of his dinner guests rather than doing something so wrong! But, let's agree, Herod was one messed-up King, if he couldn't quickly put the mother and daughter straight about such an immoral request! She went on to say 'Are you ever tempted to do the wrong thing just to save face? This is a great question, which we all must ask ourselves, and  is food for a future BLOG!

However, let me just say that we can look forward to experiencing and demonstrating the Good News in our marriages and our lives when God is at the center! We can flip the Bad News Marriages into something wonderful just by asking God to guide our lives going forward!

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