Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Thought for the day...each one of you will still be alive!

Image result for milky way galaxy
The Milky Way Galaxy

When I was a kid, we used to hear about our galaxy, the Milky Way...and that there were other galaxies. Then in more recent years, our scientists informed us there were 200 billion galaxies. Now with the constant improvement of our technologies, our scientists now tell us there are 2 TRILLION GALAXIES! So just sayin' our Milky Way is one two-trillionth of the known universe. As if our ability to comprehend even one galaxy isn't enough, we are forced to contemplate distances billions of light-years away (one light-year = 186,000 miles per second X 31,536,000 seconds per year or 5,865,696,000,000) ...almost 6 quadrillion miles = 1 tiny light-year!

Stick with me for a second...Google tells us the universe is 93 billion light-years across. This puts those distant stars in our universe some 46 billion light-years away from us in any direction. Just for the record, that works out to 46 billion times 5.8 quadrillion miles away from us...(you figure this one out). And I'm estimating that our earth is probably about the size of just one pixel in this picture of the Milky Way.

C.S. Lewis said 'When all the suns and nebulae have passed away, each one of you will still be alive.' Here I am at the age of 77 and now facing eternity. I never really thought about it that way before. Trying to understand the magnitude of God's creation is impossible to comprehend. Similarly, when I read some of Francis Collins' writings, he talks about human beings and the human genome having more than 3 billion DNA base pairs, etc.

All this to say, God's creation is larger than we can imagine, smaller than we can imagine, more intricate than we can imagine, more complex and more wonderful. And... He gave us life, which is eternal.

We learn in Genesis, that God created the Heavens, the Earth and all human life, beginning with Adam and Eve. As descendants of Adam and Eve,  we were all known by God and formed in the womb. As God tells us in Jeremiah 1:5 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you...'

All of this is mind-boggling and life-changing! Today is one day in eternity and we can only try to imagine what it will be like when we are with Him. Words fail...

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