Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Doubters are watching...

C.S. Lewis' words here serve as a reminder that our actions are louder than words. As parents, we must also be aware that we are setting an example for our kids who are very observant when our behavior is inconsistent. How many times have you heard comments like 'words are cheap' or 'you're being watched'?

I think often of my dad, who much of his life was a doubter. He read the bible looking for things to criticize and reinforce his doubt about God and Christians. He often would comment about the behavior of some church people adding 'If that's what Christians do, I don't want any part them or their church...They are a bunch of hypocrites!'

As a young boy, I too resisted attending church with my mom and siblings, because it's founding pastor, Pastor Hopkins, was asked to leave. I was devastated by this because I was so close to him and it seemed he was being treated cruelly. I also felt that Christians should not behave that way. My dad agreed with me and for years, I struggled in my faith while attending that church.  It wasn't until my late teens that I joined another church with my wife-to-be and was again fed as a believer.

In one former church, I sought ongoing guidance from my pastor in ministering to my dad, not yet a believer. As I explained my dad's bible reading motives, he said 'we have to pray that your dad begins reading the bible with a believer's heart'. After years of prayer for my dad, he accepted Christ shortly before his death. I told my dad that my prayers had been answered and I celebrated, and sobbed with tears of joy all of my return trip driving home.

Dear Lord, please help our lives to be a living witness of our faith to all others. May we be a blessing to all doubters and others, who are watching.

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