Sunday, February 5, 2017

It's all about relationship...

I was snagged by C.S. Lewis' quote today, because it says so much about this thing we call Love. This often begins with an emotion many of us may have felt for the first time when we first set eyes on the person we later married. Our spouse, who also took life-long vows to remain married to us until death do us part. Jesus' whole ministry was one of example and love and he commanded us to Love one-another...

Lewis says..."Being in Love first moved them to promise fidelity: a quieter love enables them to keep the promise." So true!

I recall some of the most vivid moments when I experienced love, not a word was spoken. Silence may be the most ideal condition, when we experience it (a quieter love?). What is really cool is when reading I Corinthians 13:4-13, the Love Verses, verse 12 reads 'For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.' How cool is that? The most awesome Love experience we can have in this natural life, is only a reflection as in a mirror!

God made us and instituted marriage. He Loves every one of us and commands us all to love each other! While God gave us Love for the marriage relationship, He also commands us all, as His children, to love one-another, in every relationship, every interaction we have with others. We become One with Him as a Body of Believers!  It is very powerful and awesome to try to imagine the Love experience we will enjoy when we are together with our family, our friends, and all other believers with Him again in eternity!

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