Saturday, February 4, 2017

C.S. Lewis said it all...

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Wow! Some time ago, I purchased an Ebook, "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis and I must admit that I have had difficulty getting into it, not just because I think he is a 'hard read', but also because he has written other books, which I haven't read probably due to my bias about his writing style for children's books... appearing almost sacrilegious to me. All that to say, today this guy got my attention in a huge way! So much so, that I have searched out many of his famous quotes, which speak to my heart and about which, I will most likely comment upon in future posts!

In chapter 5 entitled "The Practical Conclusion", he alludes to the "curious" process of how we were formed, how we had no control over the process, and how our ancestors are part of who we are today. 'Our natural life was derived from our parents.' That your natural life can be lost by neglect or by have to feed it and look after it. He goes on to say, 'always remember you are not making it. You are keeping up a life you got from someone else.

He talked extensively about the Christ-Life and the New Life. I can't even begin to relate all that Lewis says here, but will just summarize by saying that God works through the lives of believers and to the extent that we strive to follow His leading, we can collectively be part of His Body, the Church, making a difference. And so we spend this life trying to make a difference, telling others about Salvation and the Christ-Life, and looking to the day when we will all spend eternity in Heaven, or as Lewis refers to it, Another World..." 

In recent months, I have caught myself on several occasions thinking about family and friends, who have recently gone to be with Jesus, or who are presently experiencing health issues. They, like me, look to the day when they will be with Jesus and be re-united with their loved-ones, including family, friends, other believers. We pray for God's will to be done and in the meantime, that God will guide us in reaching out to them and to all others.

This is an awesome responsibility, one which we in our humanity can only begin to do with Jesus' constant guidance and enabling. Dear Lord, please guide us today and enable us to be a blessing to all others, according to your Will. Amen.

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