Wednesday, September 28, 2016

God's GPS: Quiet Time, Prayer, Actions...

In this fast-paced, sometimes crazy life, which most of us are facing quite often, when is the last time you can say you had some really quality Quiet Time?...and what did it look like for you? How would you describe it? The location? Distractions? The experience? Etc? Using today's technology, most all of us have probably used a GPS (Global Positioning System), as we seek direction while travelling. In a similar sense, during our quiet time, God will Provide guidance for our Steps when we seek Him and listen.

Reflecting on some of my quiet time over the years, it often included time spent with my children, sometimes just one of them and at other times several of them. We lived in Ohio out in the country on farm land where we could walk a long distance behind our farm house, to where the farmer used to drive his tractor across a bridge spanning a creek between his adjoining fields. This bridge was a place where we would sit and quietly "listen to nature", the birds, the creek, and other quiet sounds of nature. At the time, I didn't fully appreciate how this quiet time with God and my children would impact each of their lives.  Today, my grown children look back on our "quiet time" together as a lasting memory and a time, which they now as adults, still cherish and seek to have whenever possible.

Even now, in my 76th. year, quiet time is spent in the rear of my 5 acres in rural Indiana. Ironically, my new Quiet Spot is also in the country adjacent to a farmer's field of corn. Quiet time is now mostly spent talking/listening to God's quiet voice, recalling fond memories of family, friends, relatives, experiences, life-changing events in my life and the lives of others.

It is such a blessing to be able to look back on my life and recount people and events, who impacted my life in important ways. In doing this, I am reminded that I too am responsible to make a difference in the lives of others whenever God provides an opportunity. He has gifted each of us with skills and strengths, which we can use to bless others. Our quiet time with Him provides guidance, and time to refresh and redirect our steps. In this sense, you could say that God Provides the Steps. God is the only GPS we need.

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