Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Influencing others...While on the Amtrak of Life...

Our ability to influence others or to be influenced by them is sort of like riding "The Amtrak of Life..."  It's interesting that noted author/management trainer, John Maxwell said "According to sociologists, even the most introverted individual will influence 10,000 other people during his or her lifetime!" I agree with his statement, which means that most of us will influence an average of at least 2 people per week over our entire lifetime. For those, who are outgoing socially, that number will probably be much larger, easily 20,000 and more! I'm thinking that probably our greatest influence will occur just by the interest we show toward others and the example, which our life-style reflects. Who among us can't think of somebody else, who has been a caring person, a person of integrity, who we look up to and want to be like?

If you were to take the Amtrak across the country and back, you would see some of the most awesome sights our country has to offer! However, an added benefit would be meeting and observing people from virtually all walks of life, most of whom you will see only once, never to be seen again. We may just experience/observe someone from only one stop to the next. They got on in Chicago and got off in Dubuquenever to be seen again. The quality of that experience will most-likely be lacking due to the various constraints, which limit or prevent any mutual interaction, what-so-ever.

The flip side of the above, also on the Amtrak of Life, is when your cross-country trip is a two-week experience nested within an entire lifetime with family and friends. It is a most-memorable experience shared with those whom you love, and never to be forgotten.  It becomes just one snapshot of what may be a life-long collage of memories.

Similarly, Jesus influenced those around him by caring for them, loving them, and by living a life-style of example for them. The bar has been set! The good news is, Jesus has not only Told us the way, but He has Shown us, the way...and He promises to be with us and guide us as we Influence others in preparation for eternity in His Kingdom. Dear Lord, please guide us today, that everything we think, say and do will be pleasing to you and according to your will for us and those who cross our path!


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