Monday, February 8, 2016

Living in a Hostile Environment...

On Feb. 8th, I spent my devotion time reading Nicky Gumbel's narrative about how hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled Iraq and Syria in the midst of Islamic extremism and conflict. He said Christians face the threat of systematic torture and mass executions, and that Daesh (ISIS) declared Christianity as the number one enemy.

I am reminded of recent video clips posted on the internet of Christian hostages of ISIS who were executed because of their faith. Murdering Christians because of their faith takes Hostile Environment to a whole new level! In fact, perhaps this post should be entitled 'Living in an Evil World!' Quite honestly, the thought is so terrifying to me, that I have hesitated to BLOG about it. It is such a fearful thing to contemplate! One thing I know for sure...I am in awe that these Christian victims stood up for their faith in God...and suffered death because of it!

I am ashamed to admit that I think my faith pales in comparison to those, who were decapitated rather than to renounce their faith in God! I also realize that these few represent just the tip of the iceberg compared to the actual number, who have died because of their faith. It is easy for me and others, who are on another continent to be isolated from the ugly and heinous reality of suffering and death being committed in our world today! Because we are a continent away from most of this, we tend to be in a protective bubble and perhaps appear almost complacent, at a time when we should all be insisting that action be taken to defend the innocent.

Image result for Cross of ChristI am paraphrasing Nicky, who went on to say that God has revealed himself in His creation. Virtually everything in this world and in this universe points to God. And God's supreme revelation is in the person of his son, Jesus Christ. God himself has come to be part of this hostile world in order to do something about it! We learn how the world was even hostile to Jesus and how He was victimized by the plotting, by the false accusations, and the betrayal by those, who then crucified him!

For years, I struggled with why Jesus had to die for my sins! And yet, I realize that Jesus Loved me and all others to perfection! Jesus' entire time on earth, his entire life was a ministry of example! And he died in perfect obedience to the Will of His Father! And Jesus loved us to perfection! Because Jesus paid the price for my sins, I can now look forward to spending eternity with Him in Heaven!

Let me close with part of  Nicky's closing prayer today '...Help me to regard  disgrace for the sake of Christ as a greater value than anything this hostile world can offer.'

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