Thursday, January 29, 2015

Learning from Job...

At one time or another, we have all probably heard the expression..."having the patience of Job" in describing someone. As it turns out, in reading about him in the bible and various other sources, we learn that Job actually set an example which we could all learn from. Most of us have read how Job suffered a great deal, with loss of his children, his wealth, coupled with very painful and debilitating health issues during a period in his life. We learn that Job was actually being tested, during which time, he maintained his faith and trust in God in spite of his problems, which would cause most people to turn away from God.

In my studies recently, I read several observations by Lawrence O. Richards, Author of The Bible Reader's Companion, which helped me to learn from Job's example. Of his many observations, these three stood out the most to me:

-If we fix our hope in eternity, nothing that happens in our brief lifetime can overcome us.
-When suffering comes, don't ask to know "why." Just trust in the wisdom and love of God. 
-The rewards of faith in God may not come to us in this life, but they will surely come.

I agree with Mr. Richards and would add that especially since Job lived probably almost 1000 years before the birth and life of Jesus Christ, he didn't have the advantage of knowing about Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection...and all of Jesus' teachings to us about sharing eternity with Him and His Father in Heaven.

Let's face it, our earthly life is just a "blip" compared to eternity. Yet, we often catch ourselves thinking such things as "why does God allow suffering?" In our humanness, we should follow Job's example by maintaining faith and trust in the wisdom and love of God and in the life to come. As Richard Lawrence stated: 'The rewards of faith in God may not come to us in this life, but they will surely come.' ...perhaps, beyond the "blip."

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