Saturday, February 5, 2022

Who would have thought?...

My Childhood Red Brick House
 Yesterday, I discovered that you can do screenprints using my Kindle Fire and today, I was also able to email the screenprint from my Kindle to my personal email, which I could later modify as required for use in such things as this BLOG. I opened my Earth3D App on my kindle and typed in the address of my former house in Berkley, where I grew up starting in the late 1940's. All that to say, this technology can be very powerful for use in upcoming postings.

When we lived in the house, my parents and grandparents owned all of the property to the right of the house all the way to the corner of the block, filled with trees and field grass. It was a great place for me and my brother to play cowboys and indians! The grey house next door in this picture belonged to George and Marie Rancourt. I never knew any of their children as they were retired and any children would have left home long ago. George was formerly a master mechanic for Ford Motor Company and he had a workshop in his garage where he would make things using his Blacksmith equipment. George was the nicest friend I could have had growing up and he would let me turn the blower crank to blow on his red-hot coals heating up the steel! When George wasn't in his workshop, he would be on the glider on his front porch, where us kids would sit with him while he spun some kind of yarn to tell us. It was so funny because Marie would occasionally come out and scold him for making up all that stuff about how he was with the indians, or you name it.

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