Saturday, January 29, 2022

Psalm 103 of David...

While viewing some videos, which I had produced in the past I came across one that I had never shared with my wife. I showed it to her a couple of days ago and she thought I should share it with our children. I sent it to them and they had difficulty viewing it as an email file because of it's large size. I thought this video would be appropriate to post, as the message is very appropriate for this BLOG. This will also make it much more convenient for anybody, who wishes to view it, as it deals with my most favorite Psalm.

I also wish to thank Mr. David Lanz, a wonderful pianist who gave me his permission to use his music for all of my videos produced for the church. If possible, view this video full screen and using headphones to fully appreciate David Lanz' music, which so nicely accompanies the biblical David's psalm...


Unknown said...

Loved it dad….thanks for sharing this!

Love, Paul.

Doug Gammage said...

Thanks Paul.

Anonymous said...

Very nice indeed..