Sunday, November 7, 2010

Be led by the Holy Spirit...

In Job 32:7-8, Elihu says "I thought age should speak; advanced years should teach wisdom. But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty that gives him understanding."

Job's friend Elihu is speaking to Job and his three friends. Elihu is angry because Job was 'righteous in his own eyes' and was justifying himself rather than God. And Job's friends found no way to refute Job. Elihu is now compelled by the spirit within him to now speak without partiality or flatery. In chapter 33, Elihu goes on to speak his words, as led by the spirit within him.

This is an important lesson for all of us... to seek the Holy Spirit to indwell us and to guide our every action and our words. Our prayer, "Dear Sovereign God, please fill me with your Holy spirit and lead me today. Amen".

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