Monday, February 1, 2010

Receive God's Kingdom as a Child...

Luke 18:16-17 "But Jesus called the children to him and said 'let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.' "
Years ago, when my dad was an unbeliever, he used to criticize my mother for having a 'faith like a child'. My mother, who lost an unborn baby boy, was mildly brain injured affecting her right eye's focusing ability, spent weeks in a coma, due to an auto accident, and later had to relearn how to walk. I was about 1 year old and home sick when the accident occurred.
In many ways, my mom's life set an example of courage, faith and living for me and others. I realize even now that I need a child-like faith in my daily walk with God. I will continue to pray for a strengthened and child-like faith, as I face daily challenges in a fallen world.


Carol said...

As I looked at this picture of our mom, I was moved emotionally as I thought of her kindness to other residents of the nursing home where she spent her last years even though she would have liked to be at home with her husband able to do the things she had been able to do in the past. It is true that with age we begin to lose our fitness and health and can't always do and have what we would prefer. Her attitude was generally cheerful and kind in the midst of the circumstances of a broken hip, a husband with cancer who could not care for her, etc. She was a good role model and I pray that if I am ever in similar circumstances I can be as good a representative of my Savior, Light and Salt in the place where I am living.

Pinnochio's Brother said...

Having received a Pondering Pinnochio's blog link in my eMail, I opened a door to an image that that instantly and concurrently pushed a number of “my” buttons. The net effect was that my internal CPU instantly was off in the ozone, past the equilibrium point on my processor throughput vs. loading curve. The metaphorical effect was that my thinker had instantly lost its velocity, torque, power and agility. I had stalled where I was and could only stair, trying to reconcile the spectrum of haunting loose ends that were present, all of which seemed disorganized and out of place.

I guess that I need some time to reconnect to a distant past and resonate upon what I can recall. I’ll try to append my comments on Pinnochio's blog when I collect my thoughts on the matter.