Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How to start?

It's sort of uncanny that I would be posting a blog at this moment in time. Truth be known, I was intending to research the whole "blog" thing in order to perhaps use some of the same features in the Pastor's Page feature of our church website. I think it is fitting also to note that I went to my very first blog of my dear pastor friend Pastor Ed, who I think has the coolest template for his blog: "dots dark", which I would have used for mine except everybody would have known I "stole" his design (not cool).

By the way...I and Kathie wish you and your family the very best as you obediently follow God's call to serve in Joisey! As we all see again and again, God is awesome and his timing is incredible! We just have to say "Here am I, Lord...send me."

As part of my first blog message, I renew my commitment to try to seek God's call upon my life and continually search for his guidance and the courage to obediently follow him each day. I have just recently began a new chapter in my walk as Webmaster for our church website. My prayer is that everything that is posted on this website will be pleasing to God and according to His purpose and plan for His Church and for each of us as His children.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 tells us "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

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