Thursday, December 16, 2021

Over The Years...

 As I begin this new post, it occurs to me that anybody reading it must wonder what a guy who is soon to be 82 has to say about his past years. I'm not surprised! Let me just begin by saying that I have always been truly blessed by the Lord and my many family, friends, and workmates! As I think back over the years, it is with so much appreciation that I have so many fond memories of my past relationships and experiences. Of course, at my age, and already 19 years retired, you would not be surprised that my day might include such things as doing a Google search for the names of people in my past, many of which have passed away leaving only my cherished memories of our past together! Those memories are so many, I could write a book about them which would challenge the patience of the most avid reader, just because of the sheer numbers of people who share my past.

If I were to pose the question to each person visiting this BLOG about their fond memories of people in their past, I expect they too would have almost endless words to share. In my case, I realize God continues to bless me and my family in countless ways ongoing, for which no amount of thanks and praise seem to be satisfactory. I don't feel led to write a book, so perhaps, in the future, I may begin featuring some of those from my present and past, who have not been mentioned. In quoting the phrase "Words fall short" this surely is very true, however, in the near future, I may attempt to pay my respects to many of those who have shared my past.


Anonymous said...

A book sounds like a good idea, yet a recording of stories of who lived it could cut the chapters in a way that pages can not. We all have memories locked in our minds, stories of yesterdays, today and ones to come. "Life in Memories" is what I would call it. Thanks for sharing! By the way my name is Ray Tuck grandson of William and Mary Wigle. Son of Bill and Alice Tuck just more memories on a page.

Doug Gammage said...

Dear Ray,
Thankyou so much for your comment! I have not been looking for comments on my BLOG as I should have, but only learned of yours this morning due to reading emails on my kindle. I will try to follow-up with you by cellphone asap, to share with you. My number is (586) 214-4232. You have inspired my to get back and spend more energy on updating my BLOG thoughts! Thankyou so much for your reaching out on this! Alice, my cousin, and Bill Tuck are a big part of my family's past.

Doug Gammage