Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Lasting Gift...

Tony Dungy's devotion today, entitled, "A Lasting Gift" really spoke to me!
"You'll never see a hearse pulling a U-haul" Why? Because you can't take it with you. He said "You can't take it with you" is a biblical truth. He went on to say, "OK Paul, if I can't take it with me, what lasts beyond myself?" The answer: Memories. A Legacy.

Tony quoted from the funeral service of a good family friend, who helped write his own obituary. I am paraphrasing from that as well. He said:
To Kathie from Dad Gammage

      • Care about each person with which you come in contact...
      • Make a person's life better, where you have the power to do so...
      • Make a choice each day to be positive...
      • Allow God to work through you...
I caught myself thinking back during the last year of my dad's life while he was fighting cancer, I was visiting him in his home and he had a jewelry box, which he had made as a gift for Kathie, which was a duplicate of one he had made for my mother many years earlier.   He wanted me to take it home for Kathie, but I insisted he sign and date the box someplace so that all others in the future would know it was built and given as a gift by him.  The box shown here was given more than 23 years ago and I still open it periodically to read dad's dated note to Kathie! What a memory for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Memories as this live on from our parents and grandparents, I have a charcoal drawing of my grand mother's and a drawing of a woman's face. Displayed with honor on my walls. My Father's tools he made in school as a kid also items of his days at GM. Things given to me by him, for he said " you are the one who would appreciate them the most" I do and it brings back memories seeing them, holding them. Knowing he held them when I wasnt even born yet. Thanks for the post.
Ray Tuck