Sunday, February 22, 2015

Quiet Time, Prayer and Action...

During quiet time this morning, I also read Nicky Gumbel's narrative and caught myself thinking back some 39 years earlier in my life, when a former pastor of mine (PJ, short for pastor Jim) told me something I totally didn't expect. We had been praying for somebody and I thought that I could just leave that person in God's good hands. NOT!  Jim said 'Doug...from prayer comes action'. So much for trying to pass the baton to God. Today, the thing Nicky said was 'Prayer and action go hand in hand.' He went on to say 'the activity comes out of the relationship.'

Just to clarify, when we spend quiet time with God, we can think, pray, and share with God but most importantly, we must wait upon Him to lead us according to His will. Incidentally, the first 7 verses of today's Psalm 25 is an excellent Psalm to pray as you begin. Especially, verses 4 and 5, which read 'Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.' All of a sudden, Nicky's comment 'the activity comes out of the relationship' jumps off of the page!

And just when I think, I have little to offer to people who cross my path, it is good to remember 'Jesus can do a lot with a little' i.e. the feeding of the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish! Even the smallest gesture of love toward others can be magnified in ways, we can't even imagine, when Jesus is at work through us!

As Nicky also commented, he couldn't think of starting the day without breakfast and likewise, we both value the quiet time spent consuming our spiritual food as well.

Dear Lord, please guide me in your truth and teach hope is in you all day long.

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