Monday, January 7, 2013

A Sinful Life...

I was taken aback this morning while journaling Luke 7!  Verses 36 through 50 is about a sinful women, who upon learning about a Pharisee's house, where Jesus was eating, went to Him in tears seeking forgiveness for her sins. She poured out her love of Jesus by kissing His feet, washing them with her tears and perfume, and drying them with her hair!  Just imagine a person so desperate for forgiveness that she kept crying and kissing His feet! She puts me to shame!
Also, there is such a stark contrast between Jesus' reaction and that of the others who even questioned Jesus' identity, since he surely would know 'what kind of woman she is' that 'she is a sinner'. 

Jesus told the parable of the moneylender, who forgave the debts of two who owed him, one five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Jesus asked about which of the two would love the moneylender more...the correct answer being 'the one with the bigger debt'. Jesus went on to say 'Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little'.

What's really cool about this whole thing is that the 'sinner' showed more love to Jesus than all of the others, who were there with Him. Jesus then forgave her, while the others just condemned her as a sinner. What's that say about us? Jesus died to save us for our sins and we should be infinitely thankful and loving... 'crying at His feet'.

Today, going forward, I should try to get plugged back in and try to follow Jesus' example of love and forgiveness toward all people. I think I should be especially sensitive to the needs of those who are down and out and looked down upon by others!

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