Thursday, May 14, 2009

Avery's Prayer...

I just had to share this with you! Inserted below, my daughter, Kris, describes her experience of trying to teach our granddaughter Avery, how to ask for things...

Kris: I tried very hard yesterday to teach Avery how to ask for things the correct way. Lately, she's been on an "I need..." kick. How do you explain to a 2-year-old that she doesn't NEED anything? So, when she'd come up to me and say, "Mommy, I need my milk" or "I need some pretzels," I would correct her by saying that the appropriate way to ask is to say, "Mommy, may I have some milk please?" or "Mommy, may I have some pretzels please?" We worked very hard at this, but she was really struggling to get it right. She'd end up saying, "Mommy, please I need some milk...please?" *Sigh* So then I tried the "repeat-after-me" method. It would go something like this:

Mommy: "Avery, repeat after Mommy...'Mommy, may I ..."'
Avery: "Mommy, may I..."
Mommy: "...have some milk please?"
Avery: "...please I need some milk...please?"

*Sigh* again.

It was evident to me that we weren't going to conquer this in one day. However, at dinner, I thought we'd give it one more shot. She had been asking for some M&M's during the meal, and I told her she could have some IF she finished her whole dinner, which she did. So, of course after she finished, she said, "Mommy, I need some M&M's" I then reminded her that is not the correct way to ask and to try it again. Without even flinching, and with a very sweet, high-pitched voice, I might add, Avery quickly responded, "Jesus, please help me get some M&M's...please, Jesus!"

I laughed out loud! Needless to say, she got her M&M's, and I gave up for the night! Next thing on the list is trying to explain to a 2-year-old that Jesus doesn't ALWAYS give us what we matter how sweet and high-pitched we are when we ask. :) But how could I resist giving her the M&M's after that? She's a clever one, I tell you!

As Kris' dad, I want to say..."see what happens when you pray with your children? They learn how to pray...and they experience answers to prayer, even if it is M&M's from mommy". God is good!


Eric said...

That's my girl! :)

Doug Gammage said...

Your comment came in while I making final changes to the text.

Yea, she takes after her grandpa, all of the sweet stuff, of course!

Russ and Karla Patterson said...

What a cutie - and I would say she looks like Kathie! Love those praying kids!!