Wednesday, August 27, 2008

BECCAuse I Said So...

Isn't it funny...I haven't posted to my BLOG in forever and then I stumble across Becca's BLOG while doing a search on Gammage and BLOG...Becca's BLOG came up because she had mentioned me on her BLOG. Well anyway, I so enjoyed reading her stuff and seeing her pictures, I thought I should blow the dust off and update Pinnochio's Ponderings.

Becca is so funny and entertaining, I think she could easily write a best-seller. She has sooo many interesting thoughts and observations and manages to tell much of her story with pictures to support her writing. That's neat!

By the way...Isn't it neat that she has titled her BLOG "BECCAuse I said so?" Get it? That's pretty catchy. Let's see...what could I call my BLOG? How about "DOUG a hole?" nah...

How about "ART you listening?" (my middle name is Arthur and everybody calls me Art for short). Nah... How about "Do U Get it?" Nah... "DOUGdeep"...I think I better stay with Pinnochio's Ponderings.

Pinnochio is my CB handle. It's because I have a prominent nose and I share that feature with the famous wooden little boy. Beats "Ski Nose", which is the name given me by my Sister-in-law, Nan (pins).

1 comment:

Lucky Chemist said...

I too have been "blowing off the dust", of pictures in my mother's shoe box. She passed away two years ago at 93. I started to write her family history and a few notes about mine. Her Family history is from Hungary and I am the last one in the family that can still speak and read it. So I decided to put down her history and my dad's, leading up to my life. Anyway, I found a photo of myself and a friend from Wayne University. We had the same chemistry class and I was so clumsy that I broke more glassware than anyone, I was called Lucky, to change my luck. I lost touch with Carol Gammage after I dropped out of Wayne. Years later I finished at Univ. of Mich. and married a sweet girl from First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak (43 years ago). We have two daughters, and two grandchildren who live out of state but visit regularly. I live in Huntington Woods. Michigan, not far from where my parents lived in my school days.
My request is that you pass this note on to Carol and she can contact me if she wishes. I would like to just say hello and find out a little of her life since we last met 50 years ago.
Yours in Christ, Dan Olah